
STIPBase is a soybean transposon insertion polymorphism database covering 6,463 genetic accessions from 51 countries (193 regions), representing comprehensive and diverse soybean germplasm resource. Though some types of genetic variation, such as SNP(Single nucleotide polymporphism), were investigated for the improvement of breeding soybean, the transposon insertion polymorphism, an ubiquitous type of genetic variations in plants, are not systemically explored and analyzed. In the database, users can conveniently query transposon insertion polymorphsim in the collected accessions and compare transposon insertion diversity between any two populations by customizing groups. With the database, it can help soybean breeders making association between transposon insertion polymorphisms and phenotypes and accelerating utilization of these WGS datasets of accessions. All data collected in the database are avaiable in STIPBase. We are not responsible for the distribution of seeds.
Please sendbacks and/or questions about the database to biotec@njau.edu.cn.
If you obtain some important findings and want to request seeds, please contact the affiliations listed in the relevant publications.

Geographical distribution of global soybean germplasm
Data source
Contact: Jinding Liu, biotec(At)njau.edu.cn
©Bioinformatics Center, Nanjing Agricultural University
Geographical distribution of accessions with reference site absence