Family: WAK
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Arabidopsis WAK1 (wall-associated kinase) is the first identified WAK-RLK, the extracellular domain of which shows similarities to vertebrate epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like domains (He et al., 1996). This family plays important roles in cell expansion and pathogen resistance. Here, WAK, WAK-Like, and LRK10L (LEAF RUST 10 DISEASE-RESISTANCE LOCUS RECEPTOR-LIKE PROTEIN KINASE-like) subgroups are all classified into the WAK-RLK family due to their similar extracellular domain structure (Verica and He, 2002). The hidden Markov models (HMMs) used for the WAK-RLK classification include: PF13947, PF14380, PF00008, PF08488, PF07645, PF12662, and PF12947.
1. He ZH, Fujiki M, Kohorn BD. 1996. A cell wall-associated, receptor-like protein kinase. J Biol Chem. 271(33):19789-93. doi: 10.1074/jbc.271.33.19789. PMID: 8702686.
2. Verica JA, He ZH. 2002. The cell wall-associated kinase (WAK) and WAK-like kinase gene family. Plant Physiol. 129(2):455-9. doi: 10.1104/pp.011028. PMID: 12068092.
List of WAK in RLKomes
WAK in Arabidopsis thaliana (3702.GCA_000001735.1)
Protein sequence length distribution of WAK family
Summary of function domain topology distribution for WAK family
Domain topology percentage
-PF13947-PF08488-TM-Kinase- |
-PF13947-PF14380-TM-Kinase- |
-PF13947-TM-Kinase- |
-PF13947-PF13947-PF08488-TM-Kinase- |
-PF13947-PF13947-TM-Kinase- |
-PF13947-PF14380-PF13947-PF14380-TM-Kinase- |
-PF13947-PF07645-PF07645-TM-Kinase- |
-PF08488-PF08488-TM-Kinase- |
-PF13947-PF12947-PF07645-TM-Kinase- |
-PF13947-PF08488-PF08488-PF08488-TM-Kinase- |
-PF13947-PF13947-PF14380-TM-Kinase- |
-PF13947-PF07645-TM-Kinase- |
-PF07645-PF13947-PF08488-PF08488-PF07645-PF07645-TM-Kinase- |
-PF13947-PF07645-PF07645-PF07645-PF07645-TM-Kinase- |
-PF13947-PF14380-PF13947-PF14380-PF13947-PF14380-PF13947-PF14380-TM-Kinase- |
-PF13947-PF12662-PF07645-PF08488-TM-Kinase- |
-PF13947-PF13947-PF08488-PF07645-PF07645-TM-Kinase- |
Domain word cloud
Spatial structure